Due to the high volume of service, we are unfortunately not always available for you personally on the phone.
Please understand that our employees cannot answer complex technical problems immediately over the phone.

Inquiries without order number / vehicle registration document / error log cannot be answered.
Only deadlines/prices etc. that have been agreed in writing form the basis of business. Telephone agreements are not a business basis.

Please send us an e-mail or use our contact / inquiry form to avoid problems and misunderstandings.

Attention: Technical inquiries will generally only be answered by email!

INFO Video


Our info video

15. October 2022

In a nutshell you will not only learn a lot about our company but you will also get a lot of tips and hints on how to get a repaired control unit as quickly as possible.

What do we have to take into account during the expansion? How do you order the repair efficiently, quickly and cost-effectively and how can the shipment be managed? All this and a lot more can be found in concentrated four minutes of film.

But see for yourself:


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